I swear I am going to the gym ASAP! I have a 7 day pass to a local which I was going to start using this week, however as it is a small gym it is only open about 3 days this week and the creche is not open those days.... fail! I would love to join a big gym, but as I am on Mat leave finances do not permit - bloody money!
So what were my plans - they were to chuck the kids in the double pram and do some light jogging or power walking over Alex Hill or even walk around the mountanous tracks I call home. But the rain has put a dampener on that (see what I did there!) So then I think - that is ok I will use the Wii fit ... but my 3 year old tries to fight me for it to the point where I just give up. Then I try my workout from Dodge - awesome workout that it is, only to have my 10 month old throw a nanna because I am negleting her now for all of 5 mins (notice that she is letting me sit on my bum to type this - but do anything constructive and she senses it and puts an immediate stop to it!)
Food today was going to be a better day. BUT (there is always a but... and mine will get bigger soon...) Mum calls and asks me to Sizzler ALL YOU CAN EAT for dinner tonight since we have family in town. How can I turn that down! I also need to point out just incase I havent already - I am breastfeeding, so I do need to eat more then I would if I wasnt in order to produce the good shit for my daughter. :D
Rice Mountain bread with a little vegemite
2 x mini banana muffins (homemade)
McDonalds Junior burger (was out and about as my bread went mouldy - bloody rain/humidity), small coke and about 10 fries (I dont actually like fries - but I through a few on my burger and gave the rest to my pop)
2 x mini banana muffins with choc icing (it gets better right...)
an actual banana!
going to go either a steak and eat some salad or the fish... undecided at this point. will stick to salad and fruit with the all you can eat option though and will endeavour to avoid potato skins. thank god I cant have dairy as this makes sizzler a relatively good option for me.
attempts today = 3 all failed...I did however have to mop the floor downstairs a few times thanks to the humidity and have been doing aggresive housework again - today it was scrubbing the counters and the stovetop - very good arm workout! J should be home soon and we dont need to leave to be out to dinner for another hour, so I might do 30 mins of my Dodge workout, shower and then go and eat all I can eat (healthy of course!)
Props for trying! Good luck squeezing in a few reps of something :-)