Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Years Eve Eve cleaning and the case of a naughty 3 year old!

The sun is shining! But am I out skating or running or swimming... no! Why? Well quite simply I have to clean up my house in the aftermath of all the rain. There is mould and mildew everywhere that wasnt there a few days ago. I am sad of all the things that are wrecked because of this bloody weather.

I am also trying to clean up as we are having an everything fun New Years Eve party at my place which I am entirely unprepared for. I am hoping that everyone just drinks a lot and has fun - so no one notices that I feel unprepared :D Because j is involved I am sure the whole thing will look and be perfect because he would not stand for any less - however in the process it will totally do my head in. My idea of a good party is music (any music will do!), alcohol and some nibblies! J wants to have all the right lighting, the music set up in the right way and place and all the right music (apparently this will make or break a party), games set up so everyone will have the required level of fun... either his method or mine, I am sure that it will be a fun night!

Thank you to fairy tales of years gone by, I was up at 3am assuring my 3 year old that there was no witch with a poisoned apple after him! Getting a baby back to sleep after the 3 year old ran screaming through the house and then not getting back to sleep after all the excitement and the reading of 2 age appropriate stories and a thorough check under the bed and in the wardrobe.

My cleaning efforts today are hampered by said 3 year old who wants so badly to help. His helping makes everything take 3 times as long though. As I have folded clothes, he puts them away.. this involves me finding where he put them and then re-folding and putting them in the right place.

My main exercise today has involved walking up and down the stairs over and over again! This is actually better exercise then what I give it credit for and I have thought about actually doing some stair sprints later this evening.

Food today is not worth writing about. seriously not a good day - feel like crap now, so is all my own fault. Tonight I am making a home made fried rice with marinated chicken, so I dont feel so bad about the whole day... just everything until this point.

Tomorrow I am going to blitz the house for a final clean up before the New years eve party and am I making any resolutions?? Hell yes! Here they are:

  • Cut back/out coke. Do I need it... really = NO
  • Make more snacks for my daily grazing (I am a grazer) and make them healthy!
  • Fit in exercise every day. If the only time available is while folding washing, do squats! If playing with kids - engage the core and make the play a cardio workout... seriously kids are endless sources of energy.
  • Improve my skating. For this I plan to take more risks and not hold back. Great advice I once read ;-)

  • Be a better mother. I love my kids and do so much for them, but lately I havent had the patience for them that I know I should. I have yelled more then I want to and I have lost my cool way quicker then I think I should. So I am going to learn to take deep breaths and count to 10 before reacting. Wish me luck as I think this will be my hardest resolution!
  • Be realistic. While I will try to achieve all of these goals they are just that - GOALS! I dont have to achieve them overnight, but as long as I continue to work at them then they will be something I will achieve over the year.

  • Be Honest with myself. After all - who else am I cheating if I am lying to myself??

There is a lot more on this list that I have chosen to leave off, I know what they are and that is all that matters.

Happy New Year!! :D

Sunday, December 26, 2010

all you can eat & rain makes for a Flabby Fury!

I swear I am going to the gym ASAP! I have a 7 day pass to a local which I was going to start using this week, however as it is a small gym it is only open about 3 days this week and the creche is not open those days.... fail! I would love to join a big gym, but as I am on Mat leave finances do not permit - bloody money!

So what were my plans - they were to chuck the kids in the double pram and do some light jogging or power walking over Alex Hill or even walk around the mountanous tracks I call home. But the rain has put a dampener on that (see what I did there!) So then I think - that is ok I will use the Wii fit ... but my 3 year old tries to fight me for it to the point where I just give up. Then I try my workout from Dodge - awesome workout that it is, only to have my 10 month old throw a nanna because I am negleting her now for all of 5 mins (notice that she is letting me sit on my bum to type this - but do anything constructive and she senses it and puts an immediate stop to it!)

Food today was going to be a better day. BUT (there is always a but... and mine will get bigger soon...) Mum calls and asks me to Sizzler ALL YOU CAN EAT for dinner tonight since we have family in town. How can I turn that down! I also need to point out just incase I havent already - I am breastfeeding, so I do need to eat more then I would if I wasnt in order to produce the good shit for my daughter. :D

Rice Mountain bread with a little vegemite
2 x mini banana muffins (homemade)
McDonalds Junior burger (was out and about as my bread went mouldy - bloody rain/humidity), small coke and about 10 fries (I dont actually like fries - but I through a few on my burger and gave the rest to my pop)
2 x mini banana muffins with choc icing (it gets better right...)
an actual banana!
going to go either a steak and eat some salad or the fish... undecided at this point. will stick to salad and fruit with the all you can eat option though and will endeavour to avoid potato skins. thank god I cant have dairy as this makes sizzler a relatively good option for me.

attempts today = 3 all failed...I did however have to mop the floor downstairs a few times thanks to the humidity and have been doing aggresive housework again - today it was scrubbing the counters and the stovetop - very good arm workout! J should be home soon and we dont need to leave to be out to dinner for another hour, so I might do 30 mins of my Dodge workout, shower and then go and eat all I can eat (healthy of course!)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas FEASTing...

Christmas morning started so well... I only ate a banana sandwich which is something I LOVE! But then by 1pm I had been going mad with cleaning, playing with kids, retrieving and throwing the 100 balls back into the ball pool I was doubled over with hunger so I literally inhaled a heap of chips and hommus. Now this was super yummy, but oh so bad for me!
Christmas lunch then extended to the following:
1 piece of chicken, 2 slices ham, 1 slice pork, scoop of potato salad, scoop of risoni salad, baby beets, pineapple ring, salad and that is all I think!
Desert was a mini pav nest with 2 scoops soy icecream and blueberries (sort of healthy right!)
dinner was a ham sanga and a corona :D

Exercise today was all about chasing and playing with kids (see above start to chasing), some hardcore vacuuming (did all the cornices - hello tricep workout!!) and thinking of more, but not having the time! Christmas is just such a full on day!

What next:
Tomorrow I am going to attempt to do some more workout - if the weather is good I may go for a skate! otherwise I will do the Wii and/or Dodges workout. I will attempt to eat better and less - however I cannot promise I will not have coke, beer and chocolate... i will just have less!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

why am I still here when it is so late?

well I am up late - again. I seem to always be up late which really suits my derby name Midnight Fury! Because whilst I do like late nights, I do not like the early mornings thanks to my precious babies!

I have started this blog thanks to Ms Dodge&Bolt who always encourages me to eat well and exercise lots ... oh and to live and breathe derby as much as possible! This is not hard as to be honest - I quite love Derby and it means the world to me.

Anyways... terrible time of year to get fit - there is no training thanks to it being the off season, it won't stop raining so I can't skate outside and of course the food glorious food that is available to eat!

on a plus side my diet is a little restricted already thanks to allergies and intollerances. I follow a modified version of the RPA Elimination Diet which has been a god send to my sons eczema and I can't have dairy in my diet due to a mild allergy and also my daughter has an intollerance to it (she is still breastfed). I also am highly allergic to crustaceans.. so other then fish, seafood is off the list!

My diet is ok, but could be so much better. I eat ALOT of chocolate. "How" you may ask - "does it not contain dairy??"" Well yes it does, BUT the following chocolate is dairy free and my downfall:
Eskal dairy free dark choc with mint chips (yum)
Lindt 70% Dark Chocolate
Junior Mints (hard to find here - thank god for that)
Choc mint dairy and GF bickies from coles - not sure of the brand - but YUM - taste just like mint slice which was a fave of mine.

My other vice is coke. I don't drink alot of it, I would be lucky to drink 1 can every day which is 375mls. I do not drink coffee at all and I rarely to never have tea, so coke is my one "I am having a hard day already thanks to getting to bed late and then being awake early with a TO DO list longer then my arm, please get me through this day" drink. There are days when I wish I loved coffee.

So I have waffled... mmmm waffles. Essentially I am a mother - I have 2 kids who are 3 and 10 months old. I put on 26kgs for each pregnancy (go me!) and have lost it both times. I have become softer then I was pre-babies - so while I have lost the weight there is some serious lovin handles going on still! My kids both have a million appointments because Ryan has a hearing loss and Keira has a genetic condition call Aniridia (born without an Iris) but more on that later. I am also going to Uni to finish my grad dip in Education. So life is furiously busy, furiously late and if I work hard it should be fabulous!