Sunday, March 20, 2011


I am willing to try it! I am hoping that my body accepts it and that it also does not bother Keira as it does have casien in it. I will have to double check that it is safe to use while bf'ing. But I need to shift 5kgs (approx) mainly I need to be a lovely size 11 (not a size that exists - but it is that lovely place between a 10- and a 12 where tight 12s fit and loose 10s fit.

what am I doing:
I am going to make and eat more protien heavy snacks through the day and not fall back onto constant fruit and soemtimes bad and evil snacks!
seriously watch my snacks!
enjoy a shake for breakfast!
make sure that I am taking my vitamins every day - not just looking at them :D

Saturday, March 12, 2011

oh evil scales

I just hopped on the scales and realise that I have put on about 1 - 2 kgs... now i know that there is such thing as fluctuations in weight - but this is a shift... need to work on it so it is a temporary shift!

yesterday I dusted off my roller derby workout dvd and did 3 sections of that (streching, tummy and thighs) and I didn't do it on skates as I had 2 ruggies underfoot. As it was when I was doing the squats I was holding Ryan - so add 15kgs to that one!

today is derby training and I will bring it... (even though I am not feeling it on the inside today... damn uni and sleep deprivation!).

Friday, March 11, 2011

uni brain and body drain

oh please help me!!! I am studying and my head hurts. because of uni I can't do Wednesday night training and it sucks big time.

since I have been back at uni I have had 2 colds and allergies gallore.. wtf. I have been nibbling on all the wrong things and I feel like crap!

take healthy snacks
make plenty of healthy dinner to take to uni for lunch
drink plenty of water
join the freaking gym already or workout at home - but for the love of god make up the 2 hours of derby training being missed every week!